Naples Ticket Defense
When you receive a ticket in Florida, you have three options:
You may pay the fine, which will result in points being assessed on your license if you were cited for a moving violation.
You may elect to go to a driver improvement school, which will prevent points from being assessed on your license.
You may request a hearing in traffic court.
If you request a hearing, you will be given an initial court date. At that first court date, you will be given the opportunity to either resolve your case with the judge, or to set it for a formal hearing.
If you choose to resolve your case that day, you will wait in the courtroom while the judge first considers all citations involving attorney representation. This itself can take hours of your time.
Should you set your case for a hearing, you will be given another court date, for which you will have to return several weeks in the future.
Your time is valuable. When you hire Gulf Coast Legal Group to represent you in Collier County traffic court, your appearance isn't necessary. We will appear on your behalf and bring your case to a resolution.
Points - Why do they matter?
Everybody with a license knows that a ticket can result in “points.” But why is avoiding points so important?
First, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles will suspend your driver license if you accumulate a certain number of points in a certain period of time. In Florida, the DHSMV will impose the following point suspensions:
12 points earned within 12 months results in a 30 day suspension
18 points earned within 18 months results in a 3 month suspension
24 points earned within 36 months results in a 12 month suspension
Points can also result in higher insurance rates. If you are a commercial driver, points may result in cancellation of your insurance policy and loss of your livelihood.
How many points is my ticket?
No greater than 15 mph over the speed limit 3 points
More than 15 mph over the speed limit 4 points
Speeding resulting in an crash 6 points
Moving Violations
Most moving violations are 3 points. However, some notable exceptions are listed below.
Failing to stop at a traffic signal 4 points
Passing a stopped school bus 4 points and a possible mandatory court appearance
Reckless driving 4 points
Violation of a traffic control sign/device 4 points
What do I do next?
If you have received a traffic citation in Collier County, please call our office at (239) 300-0265 for a free consultation.
We will review your citation and provide you with a straight-forward analysis of your case, allowing you to make an informed decision about how to proceed.